Statement of condemnation

The Kirkuk branch of the Assyrian Democratic Movement has released a statement condemning the exclusion of our people from the representation in the local government of Kirkuk governorate. The statement is as follows:
Our Chaldean, Syriac, and Assyrian communities in Kirkuk are shocked by the recent orders that have removed our representation from the position of Deputy Governor for Administrative Affairs in the new local government structure. We strongly condemn this decision and urge the Kirkuk local government, led by Governor Rebwâr Taha, to revisit and correct this unjust action against our people.
Given Kirkuk’s delicate situation, marginalizing or excluding any group undermines the principles of peaceful coexistence and fair representation in the political process. The Assyrian Democratic Movement views this as a deliberate attempt to marginalize our community, jeopardizing coexistence, equality, and communal peace in the governorate. Since 2003, the original Chaldean, Syriac, and Assyrian communities have played a crucial role in Kirkuk’s political landscape, maintaining neutrality in conflicts, fostering understanding and agreements among opposing sides, and working to de-escalate tensions and resolve disputes.
Today, the principle of partnership and political consensus that has historically safeguarded everyone’s rights has been forsaken.
We remain committed to our national efforts and will work diligently to uphold the rights of our people and reinforce the principle of partnership in our country.
Kirkuk, September 15, 2024
Kirkuk Branch
Assyrian Democratic Movement
