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اعلان : الى ابناء شعبنا في بغديدا الجريحة

زوعا اورغ/ سدني

الى ابناء شعبنا في بغديدا الجريحة ، نود ان نعلمكم بان   المستشارة النفسية مورين شمعون مستعدة لتقديم المشورة النفسية مجانا لعوائل الذين يعانون من الحالات النفسية جراء  حادثة بغديدا، العراق.

يمكنكم الاتصال بها عبر الواتس اب او الفايبر على الارقام التالية

Contact Details

Mobile: 0401 886623 (WhatsApp and Viber)

Email: ms@maureencounselling.net.au


To our Assyrian brothers and sisters of Baghdeda, Iraq. we would like to inform you that Sister Maureen Shamoun is a registered accredited counsellor in Australia, who is offering counselling services to all those wishing to seek her support and guidance in regard to the recent tragedy in Baghdeda.

Sister Maureen is fully qualified and available to discuss the trauma, stress and anxiety felt by community members following the horrific events in Baghdeda.


In 2012, Sister Maureen completed her Certificate IV in Community Services at TAFE. NSW. The following year, in 2013, she completed a Diploma in Community Services also at TAFE, SW. In 2019, Sister Maureen graduated with a Bachelor of Counselling Degree from the Australian College of Applied Psychology, now known as the Australian College of Applied Professionals. She is fluent in Assyrian, Arabic and English.

“I am dedicated to maintaining and developing strong interpersonal connections, supported through respectable dialogue, compassion, empathy and a willingness to provide professional care and well-being services for others.”

Sister  Maureen Shamoun.


Contact Details

Mobile: 0401 886623 (WhatsApp and Viber)




