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دورة إعلامية لكوادر اتحاد النساء الآشوري … 

زوعا اورغ/ اعلام الاتحاد

أقام اتحاد النساء الآشوري/ مكتب العلاقات العامة دورة إعلامية لكوادر الاتحاد و عضواته ليومي الجمعة و السبت 7_8 حزيران 2024 على قاعة فندق كارلوفي فاري في عنكاوا/ اربيل. لغرض مواكبة التطور الاعلامي.

ابتدأ برنامج اليوم الأول بكلمة ترحيبية القتها السيدة مارلين يوسف نائبة رئيسة الاتحاد و مسؤولة مكتب العلاقات العامة، عَرفت من خلالها اهمية القيام و المشاركة بهكذا دورات للأطلاع على اجدد ما يطرأ على الساحة الاعلامية و ما لها من فائدة لخدمة عمل مؤوسستنا و اهدافها.

بعدها تم الوقوف دقيقة صمت اجلالاً لأرواح شهدائنا الأبرار، ثم قدمت السيدة مارلين السيرة الذاتية للمحاضر السيد اكد مراد نائب رئيس اتحاد الأدباء و الكتاب السريان- العراق، و عضو مجلس نقابة صحفي كردستان. الذي قدم الجزء الأول من الدورة و تضمن محاور عدة منها ” الخبر و كيفية صناعته، انواع الخبر … اشكاله … اهدافه ” و خَتم المحاضرة بنشاط لتطبيق كل المعلومات التي تم طرحها في المحاور كافة. و كان للعضوات المُشاركات مداخلات و أسئلة اغنت البرنامج و أبدن بذلك اهتمامهن و رغبتهن لأقتناء المزيد من المعرفة.

و بعد استراحة الغداء قدمت السيدة مارلين السيرة الذاتية للمحاضر الكاتب و الصحفي شليمون اوراهم الذي قدم الجزء الثاني من الدورة و كان عن ” الاعلام المرئي و ابرز محاوره ” مقدماً كل المعلومات بطريقة سلسلة و مبسطة حاثاً عضواتنا على المناقشة و التحاور.

وجرت يوم السبت 8 حزيران 2024 مجريات اليوم الثاني للدورة على قاعة فندق كارلوفي فاري في عنكاوا/ أربيل.

بدايةً قامت السيدة مارلين يوسف نائبة رئيسة الاتحاد و مسؤولة مكتب العلاقات العامة بتقديم السيرة الذاتية للمحاضر السيد يعقوب كوركيس السكرتير العام للحركة الديمقراطية الآشورية الذي قام بدوره بأعداد و تقديم برنامج اليوم الثاني بعنوان ” مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي… ايجابياتها و سلبياتها ” متضمناً ست محاور.

حيث قام السيد كوركيس بالتطرق و الوقوف عند كل محور، آخذاً كل الآراء و الإجابة على الاسئلة التي قامت عضواتنا المُشاركات بطرحها، الأمر الذي اضفى جواً من المناقشة الهادفة بهذا الصدد.

و ختاماً قدمت السيدة مارلين دروع الشكر و العرفان للمحاضرين الثلاث كل من السيد كوركيس، السيد مراد و السيد اوراهم، تثميناً لجهودهم المبذولة للمساهمة في إنجاح الدورة بطريقة مُثلى و متميزة.

كما وتم توزيع شهادات الشكر و التقدير على للعضوات أيضاً لمشاركتهن الفعالة من قِبل المحاضرين الأفاضل.

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اتحاد النساء الآشوري/ فرع كركوك يحضر افتتاح مركز لمرضى الثلاسيميا في كركوك … 

زوعا اورغ/ اعلام الاتحاد

حضر فرع كركوك للأتحاد يوم الأحد 2 حزيران 2024 افتتاح مركز لمعالجة مرضى الثلاسيميا في كركوك الذي شُيد من قبل مطرانية الكلدان في المحافظة.

وكان في استقبالهم السيد عماد متي منسق الكنيسة و يعتبر المركز هدية مقدمة الى محافظة كركوك، الذي تم بناءه بمساعدة متبرعين في المحافظة حيث سبق وان وضع حجر أساسه في شهر تشرين الأول من عام 2021. و يستقبل منذ شهرين بمعدل يومي ما يقارب 30 الى 40 طفلًا من المصابين بمشاكل الدم.

من الجدير بالذكر أن عدد المصابين بالثلاسيميا يبلغ 1250 مصابًا في كركوك وأكثر من 20 ألفا في عموم العراق.

حضر الافتتاح الانسة امل جورج مسؤولة فرع كركوك وعدد من عضوات الفرع.

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حركتنا تشارك في مراسيم تشييع العلامة بنيامين حداد في بلدة القوش

زوعا اورغ/ القوش

شارك وفد من قيادة الحركة الديمقراطية الاشورية – زوعا، في مراسيم تشييع العلامة بنيامين حداد الذي رحل عن عالمنا يوم امس الثلاثاء 19 حزيران 2024 في إحدى مستشفيات نوهدرا – دهوك.. بعد شيخوخة جليلة وإثر مرض عضال ألم به منذ فترة ولازم إثره الفراش.

وقد اقيمت هذه المراسم في مقبرة القيامة بمسقط رأسه القوش حيث ترأس صلاة الدفن غبطة المطران مار ازاد شابا راعي ابرشية دهوك الكلدانية ونيافة مار ابرس يوخنا اسقف ابرشية نوهدرا (دهوك) وعدد من الاباء الكهنة الافاضل وجمع من الكتاب والادباء والناشطين. وضم وفد الحركة الرفاق شمعون شليمون عضو المكتب السياسي نائب محافظ دهوك ومرقس ايرميا مسؤول فرع سنحاريب – نينوى، واثرا منصور عضو قيادة الحركة، وعدد من اعضاء وكوادر الحركة.

والفقيد من مواليد القوش سنة 1931، عمل في حقل اللغة المقارن، واهتم بالتاريخ والتراث والتراث الشعبي (الفلكلور)، كتب في الأغراض الادبية في كلتا اللغتين السريانية و العربية .

له أكثر من عشرين كتاباً ورسالة ومطبوعة في حقول : التراث ، بلدانيات ، شعر ، ترجمة ، تحقيق . له (موسوعة الديارات – ثمانية أجزاء ) وهو دراسة تاريخية جغرافية بلدانية علمية روحية، تتناول دراسة أكثر 1200 من الاديرة والقائمة والمندثرة على طول خارطة الشرق القديم (من الصين وأفغانستان وحتى شمال افريقيا، من شمال اسيا الصغرى حتى جنوب عُمان اليمن).

صدر له معجم (روض الكلم) الذي يقع في مجلدين من الحجم الكبير وفي أكثر من 1200 صفحة. وهو اول معجم ( عربي – سرياني) سعةً، وعلى الاساس الهجائي الاشتقاقي.


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ابناء قرى “كوندكوسا ” و “نهله” يحتفون بتذكار القديس مار صارفيون

زوعا اورغ/ نوهدرا

أحيا ابناء شعبنا يوم ١٥ / حزيران / ٢٠٢٤ في قرية كوندكوسا وقرى منطقة “نهله” ، ذكرى القديس مارصرفيون بحضور

ومشاركة عدد من ممثلي المؤسسات القومية والاباء الكهنة وابناء القرى القادمين من مختلف القرى والمناطق .. .. حيث اقام الخوري بيليبس داود قداساً في كنيسة قرية كوندكوسا حضره الرفيق يعقوب كوركيس السكرتير العام للحركة وعدد من اعضاء القيادة والكوادر.

وبعد الانتهاء من مراسيم القداس اقيمت في قاعة القرية مأدبة غداء بالمناسبة .

وفي منطقة “نهله ” وتحديداً في قرية “ربتكي” اقام الاسقف مارشمعون دانيال قداساً بالمناسبة بحضور عدد من الكهنة والشمامسة الافاضل .. وبعد انتهاء مراسيم القداس اقيمت ايضا مأدبة غداء بالمناسبة .

ويذكر ان اهالي المنطقتين كوندكوسا وناله يحيون سنوياً تذكار القديس مار صربيون شفيع قراهم الذي عرف بقدراته الشفائية للامراض والعلل الصحية.


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السيد نائب محافظ دهوك يقدم التهاني بعيد الاضحى

زوعا اورغ/ دهوك

قدم السيد شمعون شليمون عضو المكتب السياسي لحركتنا نائب محافظ دهوك التهاني والتبريكات بحلول عيد الاضحى المبارك، حيث كانت له جولات ميدانية في قضاء عقرة واطرافها، وفيها زار عدة شخصيات سياسية وعشائرية معروفة في المنطقة، وقدم سيادته التهاني بمناسبة حلول عيد الفطر المبارك وتمنى لهم اعياد مباركة وسعيدة مليئة بالمسرات والافراح وان يكون هذا العيد فاتحة خير وسلام للجميع ويعاد على الجميع بالخير والرحمة والبركة والاستقرار والعيش بسلام ووئام في ربوع الوطن بكافة فئاته الدينية والقومية وان يعم السلام في أرجاء المعمورة.


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Gay Geneva, Switzerland | The Main LGBT Travel Guide!

Advanced, worldwide, and busy – Lakeside Geneva is an overburden of deluxe resorts, purchasing boutiques, restaurants, and chocolatiers.

Don’t be fooled by their utterly flawless exterior; but Gay Geneva comes with an alternative part and a bijou queer world if you are willing to dig a little further.

could be the undeniable Gay Capital of Switzerland, Gay Geneva provides several unique queer taverns and cafes worth a call several enthusiastic LGBT celebration collection which happen to be must-attend whenever they occur. Sadly weekenders jumping the train for your raging all-night events in nearby student-heavy Lausanne quite harm the nightlife in Geneva. Lausanne merely regarded as being a lot more enjoyable by natives.

Still, the gay-friendly perceptions which happen to be pervading in Geneva indicate anybody who stays behind is definitely fully guaranteed a good time.

In addition to the night life, cosmopolitan Geneva also boasts a historical old area, an attractive pond, world-class food, fabulous holiday accommodation possibilities, and contemporary cultural facilities aplenty. Everything required for a beautiful
gay-friendly vacation destination.

And let us remember all the gorgeous organic destinations of Switzerland which can be easily achieved aided by the state’s famously effective train system and a
Swiss Rail Card.

Provided this all, it certainly should arrive as no real surprise that Gay Geneva is recognized as among earth’s many liveable metropolises – up there with
, and

An urban area such as touch along with its past as it is looking to tomorrow, we’re absolutely obsessed. As well as justification!

The blend of French and German societies in Switzerland – with a dash of Italian – has merely produced situations all the more fascinating.  In French-speaking Geneva, you will discover a squeaky thoroughly clean urban area with undetectable backyard alcohol landscapes from inside the German tradition, perfectly mixed with trend, drink, and a preoccupation with sensuous delights and relaxation extracted from the French.

Open-minded Geneva has become a tremendously intimately liberal area, and homosexual task might legal right here since 1942. Sadly, however, same-sex marriage however alludes to Switzerland. For now, queer people here must make do with inferior civil unions -even if Switzerland had been one country in the world where gay civil unions had been voted in by a public referendum.

Full shared use and IVF accessibility additionally stay unavailable in Switzerland though we hope this modifications shortly.

Irrespective of where the interest lay – tradition, night life, food, wine, deluxe remains, or nature – this culturally radiant and thoroughly gorgeous urban area assures that you do not keep disappointed though it’s a long way off from sybaritism associated with
planet’s leading homosexual urban centers.

Here we’ll include…

Attractions in Gay Geneva

Geneva, the glistening jewel of Switzerland, is an urban area that renders every tourist captivated by their spectacular beauty and boundless opportunities. As a queer traveler, there is no scarcity of exciting experiences and leading destinations to savor inside enchanting urban area.

From sluggish times spent tanning throughout the beach of Lake Geneva to hanging out the night time out surrounded by radiant and appealing queers, you’re sure to generate unforgettable thoughts right here. And let’s not forget the countless culinary delights waiting to be discovered in Geneva’s buzzing meals scene.

If you’re up for lots more adventure, don’t get worried, absolutely plenty observe and do beyond the most obvious. We have come up with a list of the leading recommendations for having Geneva’s special charm, including its rich social attractions, wacky museums, and scenic climbing tracks.

The best part? Geneva is actually a very as well as modern town, in which queer tourists can seem to be free to express themselves with no fears. Therefore pack your bags to get ready to discover the reason why Geneva is actually a premier destination for LGBTQ tourists, and find out yourself precisely why it is known as the “Capital of Peace”.

Top Shows of Geneva

Geneva City Tour

Get familiar with the magnificent views of Geneva with this basic sightseeing trip whenever cruise round the area with fascinating discourse from your knowledgeable manual.

Marvel at the unique beauty of Jet d’Eau, look within shimmering area of Lake Geneva and disembark for a leisurely walking concert tour around Geneva’s charming Old city. Climb aboard the city’s charming mini-train to know landmarks like St Pierre Cathedral plus the residence of Nations.

Geneva Pass

Take full advantage of time in Geneva with all the awesome Geneva Pass, and receive no-cost provides, preferential rates, fantastic discounts, and shock gift ideas at over 40 of Geneva’s favored tourist attractions, such as galleries, cruise trips, and led urban area trips.

Hop-On Hop-Off Shuttle

Take a look at Geneva via open buses, trolleys, and mini trains. You can check out the brand new worldwide area, the existing area in addition to gorgeous lakeside with this versatile 24-hour transport solution.


Enjoy Annecy, the Venice of the Alps, which includes a classic community location with colourful pedestrian streets and energetic areas. Besides the picturesque center, appreciate stunning mountain surroundings on this half-day led excursion from Geneva.

Arve River Rafting

Love a 3-hour rafting journey around the city of Geneva covering 7-8 kilometers and including six waterfalls, and find out Geneva’s surroundings in a great and special way!

The Arve will help you to discover whitewater recreations in best problems and with complete security in supervision of helpful information. The river is quite easy to navigate, so that the travel works for beginners.

Bains des Pâquis

A fashionable location the spot where the inhabitants of Geneva always discover their own feet in water. Built-in 1872, they truly are located on the Pâquis pier and provide an area for rest during Geneva. Discover 500m of coastline, sauna, spa, and restaurant to enjoy all year long.


A free art gallery supplying an amazing look into real assortment. Over 1,000 items, impressive messengers from cultures all over the globe, are picked from 80,000 items in the MEG’s selections to function inside long lasting screen.

Alongside this convention, an exciting and daring multidisciplinary plan of concerts, workshops, shows, lectures, and check outs will likely make this brand new outward-looking art gallery an appealing cultural venue.

Modern and Modern Art Museum

Created in a disused factory, purchased by town of Geneva, the areas associated with the MAMCO are spread over 3,500 m2, thus making it the most significant art gallery specialized in modern artwork in Switzerland, mostly working with art ever since the sixties.

Musée d’Art et d’Histoire

One of the biggest museums in Switzerland, offering some 650,000 objects, only a fraction of which have been disclosed over its five flooring with collections devoted to used arts, good arts, and archeology. Every single year, the museum additionally provides twelve temporary events.

Overseas Museum on the Red Cross and Red Crescent

Developed a privileged collaboration with twelve national societies, consultant with the assortment of Foreign Red Cross and Red Crescent motion. Active on all continents, these firms supply the Museum with testimonies of these tasks: posters, photographs, flicks, and items.

Lausanne Olympic Museu

Take a journey on a shuttle from Geneva to Lausanne. Discover the well-known Olympic museum, and return with a cruise on Lake Geneva, appreciating the magnificent landscaping associated with the region therefore the large peaks with the Alps.

Swiss Travel Move

Utilize the Swiss Travel Pass to get use of limitless tours on trains, ships, busses, and advanced panorama trains in the united states for 3, 4, 8, or 15 straight or non-consecutive times! After you’re in Switzerland, merely provide your move from the place to start check outs to Switzerland’s most widely used locations, plus get complimentary use of 500+ galleries and galleries and discounts on various other means of transportation!

Chocolate Flavors Walking Journey of Geneva

Taste, indulge, explore, and experience Geneva’s chocolate and society in a deliciously sweet three-hour walking concert tour. Join this tasty led chocolate tour of Geneva experiencing unique, award-winning candy creations.

Tour to Chamonix and Mont-Blanc

Just take every day tour from Geneva to check out the famous mountain vacation resort of Chamonix, from the base of the majestic Mont Blanc. You will see the best mountain peak in Europe and ride the cable car to Aiguille du Midi for dazzling panoramic views.

Lake Geneva Cruise

Explore Geneva as well as its stunning lake from a viewpoint — right on water. Start your own trip through the Pierres du Niton, touring towards the Pointe à los angeles Bise.

Peer at Geneva’s well-known Jet d’Eau, the legendary water fountain the metropolis is actually known for, Mont-Blanc hill plus the surrounding Alps, and additionally famous structures, including the UN. Overlook elegantly manicured home gardens that range the coasts of this lake, and the stunning encompassing plants and creatures,

Gay Things You Can Do In Geneva

H2O Geneva

A regional LGBT+ diving club with approximately 50 users ended up being started in 1997 to market sport among LGBTIQ+ neighborhood. Whatever the level, H2O Geneva gives you the alternative to rehearse and develop your swimming skills with pro trainers in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

For newcomers, you receive two free of charge services, with instruction on Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.

Livresse Cafe & Bookstore

a committed, feminist, LGBTIQ + area to get alternative literary works. Each guide is very carefully picked and symbolizes the prices they represent. There’s also a fantastic café serving light snacks, drinks, fantastic coffee, plus. An authentic place worth exclusive see.


A lesbian/feminist connection in Geneva that will be ready to accept all women, irrespective cis, trans, bisexual, or queer. Lestime offers a reception/ details solution every Tuesday through Friday, with many hours listed on their particular web pages.

Additionally they organize a varied choice of tasks for any regional lesbian neighborhood, including film nightclub evenings, aperitifs, activism, meals, conferences, recreations, pleasure, and self-care – all noted on their website. Since there are no particular lesbian pubs in Geneva, I encourage the gal pals mind right here receive up-to-the-minute neighborhood details or connect with
regional lesbians on an internet dating application.

Masculin Centre

a charm center that focuses primarily on therapeutic and visual treatment options exclusively for males. Supplying such a thing from hand and the entire body attention to skins and wax removals, this can be their 2nd area following the Lausanne.


An area Geneva wellness middle for males who’ve intercourse with men. Checkpoint offers an array of medical, nursing, emotional, and social service. Health privacy and confidentiality tend to be guaranteed in full. For people, the quintessential pertinent is their crisis HIV treatments / PEP consultation services if you feel you may have placed your self at an increased risk.

If at all possible, it is advisable to go indeed there with somebody so that you can gauge the possibility this 1 or the additional will be contaminated with HIV with no knowledge of it. There are areas in Lausanne,
, Bern, and


a gay sex toy store stocking over 2000 varied and diverse services and products – so odds are inside you want one thing, they certainly have one thing to fulfill. The normally a three-story air-conditioned intercourse nightclub specialized in various joys.

The Dialogai Center

A Geneva LBGT relationship that operates a flourishing information heart and café worth a visit. Dialogic provides many vital society solutions, but more strongly related to visitors would end up being their own film evening, themed functions, and other activities they arrange every Sunday, such as picnics, nature hikes, picturesque tours, outdoor socials, and.


A free of charge revolutionary collective of queer designers, performers, and event managers operating collectively to offer the Geneva drag scene a platform for expression and meeting. GeneVegas arranges a different selection of multidisciplinary events and evenings in different locations around Geneva – that bundle mind-blowing executing arts, music, scenography, and exaggerated alter-egos.

A deconstruction of sex binaries and a secure space for empowerment, joyfulness, existentialism, and inclusion. Whether they have an event on, you will not like to miss it!

Geneva Pride (July)

The greatest annual LGBT occasion in Geneva is designed to bring the queer area together, raise knowing of the issues, end hatred, and state equivalent liberties for all.

Although events and gay activities occur within the surrounding months, the March is truly a governmental event designed to give visibility to your other person that is discriminated against for their sexual positioning, identity, or gender expression.

While not as well attended as Zurich’s Pride, we think it is vital that you support any march toward equality additionally the identification of range and to reveal that hatred and violence cannot be accepted or overlooked.

Gay-Friendly and Gay Hotels in Geneva Switzerland

Becoming an extremely liberal country in relation to sexuality, nearly every lodge and hostel in Geneva can be viewed as open to LGBT friends.

In the end, becoming gay-friendly is probably about generating an environment of inclusiveness. An area where everybody is addressed equally and assortment is actually welcomed and respected. Stylish layout, useful staff, and exemplary affordability never ever hurt any person, however!

You won’t need to hide the same-sex commitment or sexuality whenever you sign in at any among these fantastic accommodations. Likewise, you certainly could not need to declare it, possibly.

Some hotels in Geneva have now been definitely courting queer adventurers. Considering the interest in these hotels with gay travelers, we’d state their own attempts have actually paid! Above all, these are the places we’ve decided to incorporate within Gay Geneva manual.

With a stay any kind of time of the attributes, you will end up being enclosed by like-minded people, including staff, to help you unwind and enjoy your trip with no stresses.

There aren’t any specifically homosexual resort hotels in Geneva. Still, any lodging when you look at the urban area near the queer night life within the urban area center is actually destined to have at least a gay guest remaining. Being a stumble residence from wherever the night time goes is pretty alluring.

countless different good hotel choices in Geneva
if you don’t find what you are looking here. However, the audience is convinced listed here housing options are ideal for gay travelers.

Whether you prefer an enjoyable and social hostel, spending budget place to crash after a night of partying, or sophisticated deluxe hotel to drink cocktails and encompass your self with extravagance – Gay Geneva is one thing for all!

Four Seasons Resort des Bergues Geneva ☆☆☆☆☆

a luxurious deluxe hotel that integrates a revitalized sense of history with large accommodations, okay food, and much more when you look at the really heart associated with area. With enchanting views associated with the pond and also the snow-capped Alps in range, along with the Old Town, Geneva’s first lodge continues to be the basic chosen innovative homosexual travelers and world statesmen.

Come and relax from the time with remedy at their own exemplary rooftop Spa, and gorge your self on Italian gastronomy at Michelin-starred Il Lago before retreating to your Pierre-Yves Rochon–designed space for an excellent night of rest.

Mandarin Oriental ☆☆☆☆☆

With a tranquil environment blending breathtaking mountain backdrops with stunning River Rhône vistas, Mandarin Oriental, Geneva is actually a first-class hotel with traditional Swiss charm. Correctly gorgeous and elegantly eternal, the 181 elegantly created spaces and rooms enjoy an elegant mix of convenience and luxury – each with views over the garden or lake.

Insufficient? There are four notable restaurants onsite, including a happening tapas bar with incredible opinions, an acclaimed Indian eating experience, and a Parisian-style café – plus a gym and relaxing health spa. Incorporating luxury, style, and irresistible service, the Mandarin Oriental suggested an ideal town refuge and can continually be an unforgettable inclusion to any day at Gay Geneva.

Hotel Rotary Geneva MGallery ☆☆☆☆

Exclusive Rotary hotel produces the most wonderful setting for an exceedingly inviting retreat where confidentiality is known as vital – yet inside the very middle of Geneva. The spacious rooms function cozy detailings and antique furnitures, and upgraded suites have free minibars and Nespresso devices.

There is also an Insta-worthy morning meal meal available daily, a regal French restaurant, a refined guitar club, and a physical fitness middle, if you require it.

Hotel Bristol ☆☆☆☆

A storied lodge set in an elegant 1850s building dealing with the quiet Mont Blanc Square and simply a couple of tips out of the pond additionally the central train station. Each upscale room claims old-fashioned furniture and tasteful concept, while downstairs, discover an award-winning bistro, a happening piano club, a champagne breakfast meal, and luxe mid-day tea.

In the event you should workout, you will find a well-equipt exercise area, plus a day spa region with a spa and hot spa to unwind in.

Design Hotel f6 ☆☆☆☆

With a warm and friendly heart, this modern boutique resort in the middle of Geneva is good for business or pleasure, providing spaces that provides property out of the house.

With a consider style and design, every space at Hotel F6 is made with comfort at heart and make sure a cozy and friendly metropolitan environment. There’s also a sunny rooftop to unwind on, an avant-garde lounge bar to drink in, and a fitness/spa place to detox at once.

Ibis Styles Geneve Mont Blanc ☆☆☆

A fully-renovated ibis designs design resort that provides a few of the most inexpensive space prices around. The areas tend to be comfortable, inviting and modern-day, with a comfortable bed and a practical bathroom, supplying everything required for outstanding stay – and absolutely nothing a lot more.  Additionally there is a breakfast meal and endless WIFI accessibility contained in the area rate.

Hotel Cristal Design ☆☆☆

Spending budget resort with affordable costs and plenty of daylight courtesy their contemporary architectural design. All areas feature contemporary, minimalist furniture, as the dining area supplies panoramic city views and morning meal at a fee.

Geneva Hostel ☆☆

A comfortable hostel for less than the cost of any accommodation around. Extremely well-located in a peaceful location, in the middle of five stars resort hotels – and also close to the pond and homosexual pubs of Geneva. Thoroughly clean, secure, and oh-so-affordable, this is perhaps one of the most common solutions with homosexual people to Geneva trying save cash to make brand new pals.

Provided free along with your stay tend to be a break fast buffet, limited vehicle parking, as well as an area transfer card!  If you require it, there is also a restaurant and guest washing facilities onsite.

Gay Nightlife in Geneva

Geneva, the picturesque Swiss city nestled on the shores of Lake Geneva, offers a plethora of encounters that will keep any traveler spellbound. However, as the sun sets additionally the night comes live, your options for a wild and carefree gay lifestyle in Geneva can appear restricted initially.

But don’t let that dissuade you! Geneva’s lifestyle scene is actually varied and exciting, offering everything from classy cocktails to informal drinks, vibrant activities, and all-night dancing that is certain to have the heart putting. And even though the metropolis’s clearly queer locations are limited, {they do|they are doing|th
Find out here https://gaysmates.com/gay-sites.html

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Meiner Meinung nach Sie Loves ein Freund von mir. genau was muss ich tun ?

Leser Frage:

Sie werden erkannt dieses Dame für ein Jahr oder zwei jetzt und ich auch tatsächlich wirklich begann zu beginnen genau wie die Individuum sie ist tatsächlich. Die schlechte Komponente kann es sein ist tatsächlich jemand anderes, genau wie hier ständig ist, und ich auch glaube diese Person sie mag ist tatsächlich ein Kumpel von mir . Sie waren immer schreiben sich gegenseitig eine SMS|sowohl} als auch Zeit verbringen gelegentlich, aber es ist nie} eins zu eins|eins zu eins|privat|individuell}.

Ihm zufolge der Kerl Mädchen, aber alle anderen, die ihn und mich persönlich denken er tut. Wirklich nicht muss bekommen wenn es um allen Entdecken etwas, aber ich glaube ich werde immer es bereuen leicht nie} ziele auf Mädchen.

Genau was muss ich ausführen?

-Rob (California)

Dr. Wendy Walshs Antwort:

Lieber Rob,

du bist richtig. Er ist in die Dame. So können Sie sein. Wenn du bist Auf für ein wenig von Mann zu Mann Konkurrenten, danach auf jeden Fall, setzen deine eigene Hut für die band ansiehst.

Aber das kritischer echte Frage ist: was genau tun jeder von euch wünschen aus diesem jung Dame?

Wenn einer von euch Menschen nur damit} , wenn es um sexuelle Punktzahl geht, jedoch vorschlagen ansehen detailliert und holen die emotionalen Teile wann immer die Frau Herz-Kreislauf-System wird beschädigt.

Falls sind Sie beide auswählen dauerhafte Mädchen, das Videospiel wird eines von darüber nachdenken was sie wünscht.

Ist (in einem coolen Mann, den ich nicht wirklich brauche? -you Art} und Schuppen Freundschaft|Beziehung} zusammen mit deinem männlichen Freund loswerden?

Sobald Sie werfen auf dem Handschuh, der Kumpel wird dein Feind. Denken Sie darüber nach an dem Sie sein wollen – zusammen und mit ändern oder dienen als ersetzen für Professional Beratung oder Service. Enthalten Beobachtungen und Ansichten sollte nicht sein missverstanden als sicher Anleitung Informationen.

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Top 7 süßeste Kid Paare in diesem Moment

Pausen sind. Alles in allem, Valentinstag tatsächlich nähert sich obwohl wir sind
trotzdem unter Wirkung des Flackerns Weihnachtszeit Beleuchtung. Es ist die richtige Zeit
für beziehung, während viel unschuldig für das Wort.

versteht Unschuld viel besser als Jugendliche? Jugendlich Liebe ist schon lange eines Weges erhalten
Entschlossenheit für Filmemacher. Erwachsene in realer Welt kann auch entdecken etwas oder
zwei als Ergebnis. Jetzt bieten wir Ihnen sieben süßeste Kinder Liebhaber, die gestolpert sind auf|betroffen|beteiligt} us aus
der Fernseher Anzeige.

Lass uns
entdecken Liebe mit ihnen.

Best Kid Paare

wirklich Liebe, selbst wenn es nicht endgültiges, hat eine massive Auswirkung
auf jeder neuen wirklich Liebe begegnen wir Wir haben sieben der besten Film Liebe ausgewählt.
Geschichten unter Jungen, um uns uns allen denen, die helfen vereinigte staaten herausfinden alles über

Holly Hills und Greg Heffley aus
“Tagebuch eines Wimpy Kid”

Greg Heffley ist pompöser Kind wer wird nicht genießen Mittelschule. Er tut speziell wie ihre Familienmitglieder, entweder. Alles, was er will ausführen ist tatsächlich spielen spielen Titel.

ist das meiste bekannt Mädchen in Gregs Klasse , ein Klassiker nebenan vernachlässigen mit einem breiten
Spektrum Interessen. Obwohl ein “Weichei” Kind ‘, sammelt Greg den Mut, Mut zu haben, sich zu erkundigen
in ihrem Telefonnummer.

Film erzählt der Geschichte von Gregs Sommer, das ist nicht gehen wie Sie erwartet haben. Jedoch,
der Kerl vervollständigt sein Sommer Urlaub erfreut, Tauchen mit Holly und seinem größten

das Ende, der Typ sagt es war – das nützlichste Sommer tatsächlich ‘. Es ist wirklich herzerwärmend,
nahrhaft Geschichte von Freundschaft und grundlegender Liebe – sogar zwischen einem geekigen Mann und a
bevorzugt Frau.


  • Beide Funktionen
    haben tatsächlich gut entwickelte Persönlichkeiten
  • Die Liebe
    Geschichte ist wahrheitsgemäß und entzückend
  • Der Film
    enthüllt ein wirklich liebes Interesse zwischen beliebten und einem nicht so beliebten Kind


  • Ausblinken
    von Hollys fiktiver Charakter liefert eine Objektivierung
  • Gregs
    arrogant Denkweise nicht gehen

Vada Sultenfuss und Thomas J. Sennett in “Mein Mädchen”

wann immer Vada, eine Frau einsteigen Pubertät, entdeckt sie lebensverändernd in merkwürdigen Wegen, ihr nicht wahrscheinlich Freund kann es sein anziehen die Frau Hand. Vada ist tatsächlich klug und sprudelnd, des Umgangs mit ihr Großvater, und Thomas ist ihre beste Freundin.

Geschichte ist ein bisschen deprimierend, mit Vadas Großvater arbeitet ein Bestattungsinstitut, ihr
Oma leidet unter Alzheimer-Krankheit, und sie Begleiter tatsächlich empfindlich zu

Verschiedene Andere
Kinder in der Schule necken Vada für verschiedenen Gründe, von dem Mädchen Hypochondrien
zu ihr Begleiter ein unbeliebter Kind. Vada gibt nach Peer
Stress, aber geht weiter ausgeben die Sommermonate mit Thomas, der sich bewegt
Abenteuer plus eine primäre Umarmung.

die Geschichte sieht ein tragisches Schließen für das Verbindung geht, wobei Thomas von einem
überempfindliche Reaktion.

  • Stark,
    unabhängige Zeichen
  • A.
    herzerwärmendes Abenteuer und ehrliche Beziehung
  • Vada nicht
    ergebe dich dem Necken, sondern verfolge das Wünsche
  • Nicht nur a
    Geschichte über wirklich Liebe und Wachsen


  • Eine Tragik
    Schließen Beenden der Wirklich Liebe Geschichte viel zu bald
  • Der Peer
    Kraft von ihren Kindern ist unangenehm

Darla und Alfalfa von “minimal Rascals”

Darla ist tatsächlich Alfalfas wirklich Liebe Interesse. Die Sache ist, Alfalfa ist Teil “He-Man-Women-Haters Club” zusammen mit einigen anderen Männern aus ihrer Hochschule. Sie würden Sie müssen sabotieren die Verbindung wenn sie ihn mit einer Frau fangen.

die Partnerschaft wird der Anwesenheit der â € žJungen nur ‘Club, Darla, gefährden ist
auch lieber Alfalfa zu liefern die Frau nach oben. Jedoch an einem Ort, sie ist geführt denken
das sie Freund ist verlegen von ihrem.

die Schlussfolgerung, ihre eigene wirklich Liebe überwindet Probleme. Es gibt eine Akzeptanz von
Darla für Pub ansehen – nicht so der Beamte Benutzer, definitiv. Trotzdem, ausreichend für
Beziehung zu sein möglich.


  • Eine Geschichte von
    Liebe stärker als Fellow Druck
  • Berührt
    lebenswichtig Themenbereiche dem Einfluss von Freunden auf Beziehungen
  • Beweist es
    machbar, um sich wieder zu versöhnen gegensätzliche Prioritäten


  • Die Jungen
    nur ‘pub liefert eine frauenfeindliche Nachricht

Lauren King und Daniel Michon aus “etwas Romantik”

Dieser romantische Geschichte aus dem Jahr 1979 erfasst die Geschichte eines Amerikaners in den Vereinigten Staaten} Teenager Aufenthalt in Paris und Treffen ein regionales Mann, wen sie endet fallen verrückt nach vom Straßen Ihres legendären Stadtgebiets.

Was ist
speziell bezaubernd in Bezug auf das Geschichte sein kann das Unterschied zwischen Wege der Leben
zwischen den zwei Haupt Zeichen einbeziehen. Lauren sein kann Tochter eines Reichen sein,
selbstsüchtig Schauspielerin, während Daniel lebt einem krummen|gezackten} Taxifahrer von einem Vater.

Es ist
Liebe zuerst Diskussion – sie lernen das sie können sein erfahren früher im Leben


  • Die Liebe bei
    basic look erscheint etwas erforderlich, obwohl später wir stoßen auf warum es ist wirklich da

Sam und Joanna Anderson von “genießen Eigentlich”

Dieses bekannte Weihnachten Film kommt das Alltag von acht Paaren und dann binden die Geschichten miteinander} abschließend. Das Paar dass wir denken nicht bekommen genug Aufmerksamkeit sein kann der jüngste sein, Sam und Joanna.

wirklich Liebe zwischen zwei Jugendlichen ist herzerwärmend und zuordenbar. Diese Handlung
ist von größter Bedeutung für die Handlung – das Herz in Bezug auf Film, für einen Moment.

fällt tief verliebt in Joanna, genau wer er ist nicht gesehen – wir erklären, das ist nicht also
eine leichte Aufgabe zu glauben, aber warum nicht lassen Sie sie dem Vorteil der Zweifel.

wird auch um zu sehen die Entwicklung einer Vater-Sohn-Beziehung Vereinigung, obwohl Minute
in dem Sam erklärt seine Faszination für Joanna übertrumpft alles.


  • Die Paarung
    macht uns Vertrauen verlassen wahre Liebe vielleicht nicht durch extern Faktoren
  • Sam,
    obwohl jung, zeigt Reife und Verletzlichkeit
  • Diese Linie
    der Film hat das vielen nahrhafter Geschichte hilft zu machen jeder habe Vertrauen in Liebe


  • Aussetzung
    des Unglaubens ist nicht wirklich natürlich innerhalb Geschichte â € “Es ist idealisiert, vielleicht nicht vollständig realistisch

Jess Aarons und Leslie Burke von “Bridge to Terabithia”

Zwei 12-Jährige treffen sich bei einem Rennen|ein operativer|ein funktionierender} Wettbewerb nur zu lernen sie sind wirklich nebenan Nachbarn. Sie verbinden durch diskutiert Schlachten und entscheiden zu erzeugen herausstellt wahr, ist tatsächlich initial und herzzerreißend.

All unser
main Charakter, Anne, fühlt, dass â € ˜Liebe ist einfach nicht so wichtig ‘bei ihr junges Alter
häufig. Jedoch das ist wann Jürgen erscheint anpassen sie Perspektive. Das
Frau ist vorbereitet für alles um fast alles zu gewinnen, um ihn für mehr als zu gewinnen, um ihn zu besuchen, um ihn zu besuchen, um ihn zu konsultieren, einen beängstigenden, erschreckenden Bandit Wohnort
als ihr Liebhaber.

Land ist tatsächlich bemerkenswert, Mischen Realität und Träumerei in greifenden Konto. Anne geht
durch fiktive Charakter Entwicklung die erlaubt ihr Werden reif über sie Gedanken –
alles vieler ältere Menschen müssen lernen .


  • Die Geschichte von
    Anne und Jürgen enthüllen uns allen, dass wahre Liebe {kein Alter kennt
  • Es ist ein
    inspirierend Bericht von allen Dingen du könntest , wenn Sie sich den Titel der Liebe
  • ansehen Anne Programme
    us es ist ok werden verschieden
  • Absolut a
    Reife über die Sohn oder Tochter Zeichen


  • Anne Programme
    Anfälligkeit über die Frau Aussehen was könnte senden eine falsche Nachricht an jung
    Mädchen beobachten
  • Es gibt
    Feindseligkeit zwischen Freunden im Kampf um Jürgen

Letzte Gedanken

haben zahlreiche Methoden innerhalb ihres Schnalle für
right up Interaktionen. Kinder nicht. Sehr, obwohl du bist reifer zu sehen
Diese Filme für seine oder ihre Inhalt, sie könnten sein hervorragend Mahlzeiten für Gedanken wann immer es
kommt zu eigenen Verbindungen.
hoffentlich unsere Sammlung bestimmt Sie und erhitzt
dein Herz-Kreislauf-System ein bisschen. Wenn Sie nicht jemanden haben, holen diese Klassen für
Ihre bevorstehende Verbindung. Solltest du, mach weiter heute und nutzen die Motivation zu besitzen
gesünder Moment mit einer Person du magst.

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Get began now and discover your perfect match

Get began now and discover your perfect match

Now that you know more about lesbian mif, it’s time to begin in order to find your perfect match. there are a lot of great online dating services available to you that cater especially to lesbian mif, so begin browsing in order to find the one which most readily useful suits your preferences. when you have found a website you want, join and begin going through the profiles. it’s also important to focus on pages being well-written and include keywords being relevant to your passions. when you have discovered a profile you want, you could start delivering messages. ensure that you be courteous and respectful, and be sure to incorporate key words which are relevant to the profile you are messaging. if the person you are messaging is interested, they’ll probably react. if not, that’s fine. you can still consistently search for the right match, and you will probably find someone who is interested in you as soon as you start messaging people in a far more targeted way.

Get started on your lesbian mif dating journey today

Are you seeking to begin your lesbian mif dating journey today? in that case, then you definitely’re into the right spot. here, we will provide you with all advice you will need to get going. first of all, you will want to ensure that you’re ready for this journey. this means you need to be open-minded and prepared to decide to try new things. you should also be prepared to cope with rejection. this will be a standard event whenever dating as a lesbian mif, therefore don’t be discouraged. next, it is additionally vital to find a dating website that’s specifically designed for lesbian mifs. these sites offer more possibilities to satisfy people and discover a relationship. once you’ve found a dating site, the next thing is to create a profile. that is where you will want to describe your self in the maximum amount of information as possible. you should add your age, occupation, and interests. you should also always list any skills which make you a great match for a lesbian mif. once you have created your profile, the next phase is to start looking for matches. this is where the dating site can help you. it’s going to provide you with a list of potential matches in line with the information that you have provided within profile. when you have found a match, the next thing is to begin messaging them. it can help one to get to know your potential match better. once you’ve reached know your match better, the next step is to decide if you want to pursue a relationship using them. this will be a determination that you’ll need to make all on your own. however, dating as a lesbian mif may be a truly satisfying experience. therefore don’t hesitate to try it out.

Spice up your love life with lesbian mif dating

Lesbian mif dating is a great way to spice up your love life. not just do these dating services offer a great way to satisfy brand new individuals, but they may also offer a brand new viewpoint on love. lesbian mif relationship can help you to get a person who is comparable to you, and who you can share your love with. this will be a great way to find a person who will understand you, and whom you can share your daily life with. there are plenty of lesbian mif online dating services available, in addition they all offer a terrific way to meet brand new individuals.

Find real love with lesbian mif

Looking for love? have a look at lesbian mif! lesbian mif is a term regularly describe somebody who is searching for true love with another lesbian. this can be a terrific way to find a person who shares your interests and passions, and who you can relate to on a deeper level. there are numerous advantageous assets to dating a lesbian mif. for starters, you’ll get to learn some body on a tremendously individual degree. you can also gain access to a wealth of real information and experience that a lesbian mif could have accumulated over the years. in addition, lesbian mifs are often really learning and supportive of every other. this will make them great partners in every relationship. if you are interested in that special someone to talk about everything with, lesbian mifs are outstanding option.

Find love and connect with lesbian mifs today

If you’re looking for love, and you’re open to linking with lesbian mifs, then you definitely’re in luck. there are numerous lesbian mifs available to you that are in search of a connection, and who would like to find someone who works with with them. if you should be in search of a relationship, or for one thing more serious, then chances are you should try shopping for lesbian mifs. there are a lot of them available to you, and it’s likely that you can find a person who is a great match for you personally. there is a large number of things that you’ll need to give consideration to if you should be interested in a relationship with a lesbian mif. you have to be comfortable with who you really are, and you will also need to be confident with each other. you need to be in a position to communicate well, and you will also need to have the ability to trust each other. if you’re able to find these exact things, then chances are you’ll have the ability to have a great relationship with a lesbian mif.

what’s a lesbian mif?

A lesbian mif is a kind of lesbian who’s attracted to men.this term can be used to describe ladies who have actually a powerful and exclusive attraction to many other ladies, but who might have occasional or sporadic attractions to men.a lesbian mif are often called a gay mif, lesbian-bisexual, or gay-lesbian.

Welcome toward lesbian mif dating scene

There’s no denying your lesbian mif dating scene is one of the most exciting and diverse on earth.from the casual dates and coffee dates on more severe relationships, there’s a lot of window of opportunity for lesbian mifs to get the perfect match.one of the most extremely popular methods to satisfy other lesbian mifs is through dating sites.sites like match.com and okcupid offer a wide range of alternatives for singles in search of a relationship, and also the lesbian mif dating scene isn’t any exception.there are a variety of types of lesbian mifs to generally meet, and internet dating sites focus on these.there are the adventurous kinds who like to decide to try new things and go on dates in brand new places, the romantic kinds that selecting a long-term relationship, while the laid-back kinds whom just want to celebrate.whatever sort of lesbian mif you’re, there’s a dating website for you personally.just make sure you research the site before you sign up, to help you find the best matches for you personally.the lesbian mif dating scene the most exciting and diverse worldwide, so don’t hesitate to explore it!

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المكتب السياسي لحركتنا يعزي بوفاة العلامة الملفان بنيامين حداد

العلامة بنيامين حداد في ذمة الخلود

تلقينا بحزن وأسى كبيرين نبأ وفاة العلامة بنيامين حداد.. الذي رحل عن عالمنا اليوم في إحدى مستشفيات نوهدرا – دهوك.. بعد شيخوخة جليلة وإثر مرض عضال ألم به منذ فترة ولازم إثره الفراش، الا انه أبى لقلمه النضوب أو التراجع عن رفد الثقافة والادب بمختلف النتاجات الفكرية وفي عدة مجالات .

فقد كان الفقيد باحثاً ومؤرخاً وشاعراً ولغوياً نشطاً، أثرى جميع هذه المجالات بالمئات من النتاجات والمؤلفات القيّمة والمتميزة ، لا سيما في اللغة والأدب والتراث السرياني تلك التي زخرت بها المكتبة الأدبية وستبقى بمثابة كنوز ثمينة تنير الفكر القومي للأجيال القادمة.
كما تميز بروح وطنية وقومية متقدة ،معتزاً بأمته العريقة وتاريخها وحضارتها ومتسلحاً بايمانه العميق بوحدتنا القومية التي جسدها في كتاباته ومؤلفاته ومواقفه القومية الراسخة.

ولا يسعنا بهذه المناسبة الأليمة إلا أن نتقدم إلى أهله وذويه وإلى الوسط الأدبي والثقافي السرياني.. والعراقي عموماً.. بخالص مواساتنا وتعازينا بهذا المصاب الجلل .. مبتهلين إلى الله أن يتقبله في ملكوته العتيد، ويلهم أهله وذويه ومحبيه الصبر والسلوان والرجاء الطيب.

المكتب السياسي
الحركة الديمقراطية الآشورية
17 حزيران 2024

